Trackers can be updated on the web using Log into your account and look for the toolbar on the left-hand side of the display.
Click the Flag Icon. This is is your Journey Screen.
If your coach assigned you any trackers, they will appear underneath your habits. Look for the tracker you wish to update.
To add a new metric to this tracker, click on the +Add icon in the top right corner of the tracker section.
This will bring up the editing tool. Type in the value you want to add. Example: If you've had 48 OZ of water, type in "48."
Click "Select date" to add the date - if you drank water yesterday, you can put yesterday's date, so no worries if you don't sign in every day. Note: the < or > arrows will scroll between months, and the << or >> arrows will scroll between years.
Next, you will need to select a time in order to log this metric. You can scroll up or down to select the time you wish to log your metric.
Once you're satisfied, click Save.
A pop-up will appear in the top right-hand corner letting you know your changes have been committed successfully.
You should see your newly logged metric appear on your tracker.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
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