PLEASE NOTE: SSO is not available for everyone at this time. If you create an account using a personal email address, you will not be able to sign in using SSO.
New users logging into their account through the web portal have the option to sign in with their company's SSO function. In order to do so simply follow the steps below.
Go To Vida Web Portal
Once at the web portal sign-in screen, look for the link that says Single Sign-On (SSO). Click on this link.
Choose your Organization
Next, you will be asked to choose the organization you are with. Simply type in the company's name and choose it from the drop-down list. If you are not sure if SSO is available to you for Vida, please reach out to your employer or organization.
Log in using your Organization's SSO portal
This portal will look different depending on the technology that your company uses to authenticate SSO.
Access Vida!
Simply follow these steps and once you have correctly entered your information, you should be allowed access to your account through your browser.
If you run into any issues or something on your browser does not look the same as what you see here, please contact and we would be happy to help out in any way that we can!
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