Account Support
- How To Access the Spanish Help Center
- How do I cancel my account?
- If I go to sleep today and wake up tomorrow, what day shows on the sleep tracker?
- My eligibility check failed
- Can I change my profile image?
- I bought a new phone, and can't log into my account?
- Why do I have an email saying I have Unread Messages?
- I'm seeing a message about a trial coming to end, but I created my account with my organization?
- How do I accept the terms and conditions?
- Is Vida offered to countries outside of the US?
- General Information on COVID-19
- Why did I receive an email about something that is irrelevant to my situation?
- Will conversations with my Vida coach be shared with my health plan?
- How do I report an issue regarding the quality of my coach and/or program?
- My email alert shows more messages than appear in the app
- Can I have more than one program?
- Can I Change Programs?
- How can I learn more about Vida for my company?
- Can I still access the app and my data if I cancel my Vida Subscription?
- Do I need to create a new account if I delete the app?
- Get Immediate Support!