Remove the BodyTrace Blood Pressure monitor and cuff from the box, and place 4 AA batteries in alternating directions into the back of the monitor.
Start by opening the Vida App on your mobile device, and login into your account. Next, select the Settings Tab, located in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
A new window will open. This is the devices menu. Here you can search for the different devices Vida connects directly to. Search for BodyTrace BPM, tap Connect+.
A new window will open, asking you to Enter the 15 Digit Serial Number found on the back of your BodyTrace Monitor.
Enter the serial number and tap Authorize to have the information sent to Vida. You will be directed back to the device selection menu.
How to Take Your First Reading
1. Plug the connector on the cuff into the monitor.
2. Follow the instructions in your user manual to correctly position the cuff on your bare upper arm.
3. Rest for at least 5 minutes, sitting upright with your feet flat on the floor, your back supported, and your cuffed arm resting on a table or chair arm.
4. Press the START/STOP button on the monitor to turn it on. Wait for the device to turn on and perform the measurement while the cuff inflates.
Next, go back to your mobile device, go back to the Home Screen and pull the screen down to refresh your page. Your BP should be listed here!
Your BodyTrace BPM should be synced with Vida! Feel free to refresh your app! If you're looking for the Best Practices for using your BPM, please Click Here.
If you have any issues with your BodyTrace Blood Pressure Monitor, you can refer to use user manual Here. If you need further assistance you can contact
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